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Orchard School Bristol

EVENT - Duke of Edinburgh 2023-2024, Registering Your Interest

15 May 2023 


Dear Parents and Carers

Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award   

I am writing to offer your son/daughter the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award (DofE).  This is an internationally recognised award, which broadens young people’s experiences, provides challenge, teamwork, confidence-building and a great sense of achievement.  Students add this to their CVs, and it can give students an advantage when applying for further study or jobs. In a recent survey, employers across the UK said that The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is the second most desirable qualification of an applicant after academic achievements.   

What’s involved?  

Bronze Award participants pledge to complete four separate sections:   


Skill development  

Physical activity  



There is a cost involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which includes the registration fee, the welcome pack, and the costs of running the expedition.  The approximate cost of the DofE is £150. We do have some funding available in some circumstances. Please contact me if your child would like to take part, and you would like to apply for financial support.  Please don’t let cost deter any interest for your child to take part in the award! Every year we have about 1/3 of participants who are funded through their DofE.

What’s next?  

Please encourage your child to complete the attached online form HERE by Friday 9th June 2023 . This will help to ensure we know which activities the pupils hope to carry out to achieve the award.

I will then be in touch with you by Tuesday 20th June 2023, to explain the next steps, complete a deposit to purchase the DofE welcome pack and begin preparation for a swift start in September.  

If you wish to further research the requirements of the Award you can do so by visiting the D of E website at www.dofe.org   

Yours sincerely  

Mr J Staynings 

Duke of Edinburgh Manager 



More Information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 

Volunteering, Skill and Physical Activity sections: 

One section must be completed over six months. 

The other two sections must be a minimum of three months.  

Each section must be achieved by committing at least one hour a week to the activity for the duration of that section. Students will be expected to have completed all three sections prior to taking part in the expedition.  


Volunteering is about choosing to give time to help individuals, the community, the environment or animals without getting paid.  Suggested activities include: community action and raising awareness; coaching, tutoring; helping a charity or organisation; helping younger students with their reading; helping in a library; community gardening 



For your skill you need to choose an activity that will allow you to prove you have broadened your understanding and increased your expertise in your chosen skill. It should not be a physical activity. Suggested activities include: performing in a play or other performance; music; games and recreation; life skills; creative arts; care of animals; science and technology; cooking; First Aid; camp craft. 



Through the physical section you should achieve a greater physical fitness through participation and improvement in physical activity.  Suggested activities include: running, dance, fitness, team sports, racquet sports, martial arts and more.



Students participate in a weekend expedition, a two-day hike including an overnight camp. Participants learn camp craft, navigation, team skills, first aid, etc.  The school provides tents, stoves and gas to all participants, as well as having a small number of rucksacks, sleeping bags, sleeping mats and waterproof clothing to lend if necessary.  

To deliver the Expedition section, we are currently working with an outdoor provider called JC Adventures.  School staff deliver training and support participants in school to prepare for the expeditions, and participants also receive training during their practice expedition from JC Adventures staff.  More information about this company can be found at: www.jcadventures.co.uk.